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2024 Welcome Letter

Dear Flag Football Families,

Thank-you to all our new and returning players, we are excited to welcome you to the 2024 Fall season of flag football!

Special Requests: When granting the special requests, we did our best to grant every request to the best of our ability, but some hard decisions had to be made between splitting up friends or moving a group to a new team. We thank you for your understanding that requests are not a guarantee and that the happiness of all our players is always a top priority. We hope everyone is as excited for the season to start as we are!

Uniform Handout: On your first session September7th you will be assigned your jersey / belt and flags. If you are unable to attend the first session, don’t worry: We will have a jersey ready for you at the next session you attend. As this is the fall season please choose a jersey size which could be worn over a hoodie or coat. Please note that the jersey/belt and flags will need to be returned after the last session.

Attendance: No need to let the coach know if you can’t attend we expect families to be away on occasion!

Equipment: We recommend soccer cleats for footwear as they help with traction (especially when the field is wet). Other items we recommend are a water bottle, and shorts (or pants) with no pockets (because fingers can get caught in the pockets when players are trying to reach a flag). We play in ALL weather and encourage players to dress appropriately for the forecast.

Team Information & Schedule: Season dates September 7,14,21, 28
October 5 and two playoff games October 12 & 19
October 26th will be a make-up date if any games need to be cancelled due to weather.

To view your schedule and team information, Log into your account online or on the app.  Navigate to the “Dashboard” Click on the team’s name (under Role/Team) to see the schedule and team roster.

You can always find the master schedule (for all teams) by going to the website, then clicking “Schedule” from the top menu. You will need to remember the division and team name.

Parking: We are very fortunate to have secured the Acadia Fields which are next to the Tennis Center. It is IMPERATIVE that our flag football families respect that the Tennis Center parking is private parking only and we are not allowed to drop off players or park in that lot. Doing so will result in reports from the tennis center to the City of Calgary which risks the loss of those fields to our league. If we lose the fields, we will not be able to offer flag football at Acadia in the future. Please inform family members, guests you have invited to watch, or others transporting your players that this is lot is off limits. There is ample street parking on 90th Ave and there is back laneway which is West of the Ecole de la Source and just off 94th Ave. SE.

See you on the field!

Don and Karen Wilson

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